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Where Do You Want To Work ?


Once you identify what you would like to do, identify where you would like to do it.  The more open you are to working in different cities, states, areas of the country, the more opportunities you have to follow your career path, and the more robust your career path can be.


The more limited your geographic options, the more limited your opportunities may become.  In this day and age, many people are not interested in moving from their current town or city to a different one for a multitude of reasons.  Depending on the market and the career type, this can severely limit one’s career. Of course, the opposite is true for areas where an industry is thriving, such as San Jose for the tech sector, New York for finance, Los Angeles for entertainment, and so forth.  If your focus is where to have your career as opposed to what you want your career to be, career growth can be limited by your geography.


Some cost of living calculators:

​ cost-of-living calculator cost-of-living calculator cost-of-living calculator


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